“There is Still a Battle to Be Won”— François Legault

François Legault (Photo : Archives)
“I’m going to say it from the outset, I don’t have good news,” François Legault warned as the press conference opened. The Omicron variant is making us fear the worst. So much so that the Premier announced new hefty measures. Among which is that holiday gatherings will be limited to 10 people.
Translation Amanda Bennett
Just a few short days ago, Quebec had announced the possibility of 20 people gathering in a single residence. “Even at 10 people, we have to be careful,” the Premier assured. “And only do it if it is necessary. We need to avoid taking risks, it’s a question of judgment.”
Even though vaccine coverage is good, it is not sufficient to face the virulence of the Omicron variant. ”The second line of defence is reducing contacts,” François Legault warned. “By 50% in the coming weeks. »
He defended himself for having backtracked. Mr. Legault thinks that because the situation is evolving rapidly, the government must look at the data objectively when making its decisions.”
With just 9 days before Christmas, the hardest decisions were announced. The other measures will be implemented as of Monday. As for schools, the calendar will be upheld at the primary level. For high school students, including those registered within the Centre de services scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries and the New Frontiers School Board, the return to class has been postponed until January 10. Classes will be conducted virtually prior to that.
As of December 20, the reception capacity of amphitheatres, restaurants, bars and places of worship will be reduced by half; a capacity which will reach a maximum of 250 people. The vaccine passport will now be mandatory for churches and places of worship.
Office parties, karaoke and dancing will all be forbidden as of that same date. Sporting activities may continue, but tournaments and competitions will be prohibited as of Monday.
“I understand that all Quebecers are fed up,” added the Premier. “I am among them. But I need you. We still have a battle to win. It will take courage and determination.”
A 3rd Does is Important
The vaccine campaign is going well, but needs to be expanded. Experts agree that the third dose is effective to deal with the situation. “Cases and hospitalizations are increasing due to the Omicron variant,” specified François Legault. “Hospitalizations are the key. It is our major source of concern. The health care network remains fragile. For the past 21 months workers have been caring for COVID cases in addition to the usual users. There is an accumulation effect. »
The predictions are showing 3,700 cases per day. The unvaccinated are 15 times more lilkely to contract the coronavirus.
The government is inviting people to comply with the age categories but to make their booster shot appointments as soon as they become available to them.