English stories
The Sauvagine Bridge will be rebuilt
le vendredi 17 mars 2023
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The Sauvagine Bridge. (photo : archives)
The Ministry of Transport (MTQ) has confirmed to the newspaper that Châteauguay’s Sauvagine Bridge will be rebuilt. However, it is stingy with details about this major undertaking.
Translation Amanda Bennett
Built in 1963, the aging infrastructure will be demolished and rebuilt. “We are at the design stage of the project,” said Karine Abdel, Communications Advisor at the MTQ.
She did not want to provide more details or a timetable for the bridge which allows Chemin Saint-Bernard to cross the Châteauguay River. “We will inform the citizens when we are closer to beginning the work,” she said.
There has been talk of major work on this bridge for several years.