English stories

Snow accident : Chateauguay teen perishes

le vendredi 21 février 2025
Modifié à
Par Valérie Lessard


The mound of snow in front of the Astrale Street residence. (Photo : Le Soleil –Valérie Lessard)

On Friday morning, Châteauguay police confirmed the death of the 13-year-old girl who was found unconscious in the snow on February 18 on rue Astrale in Châteauguay.

Translation Amanda Bennett

The Chateauguay native had been in critical condition since being taken to hospital late that day.

The Coroner's Office has entrusted Coroner Dr. Josiane Cyr with the responsibility of conducting an investigation to determine the causes and circumstances of the death. The Châteauguay Police Department is cooperating with the coroner's investigation.

At the time of the incident, reports were circulating that she had been buried under the snow. To date, this theory has not been confirmed by the authorities.

The day before the accident, at the municipal council meeting, Mayor Eric Allard had reminded residents of the importance of not playing in “igloos” or tunnels on the side of the road during snow clearing periods, as this represented a risk.

A few hours after the accident, the mayor posted a message on his Facebook page stating that he had been informed that a young girl had been hospitalized following an accident “probably in a collapsed tunnel”.

"I'd like to offer my sympathies to the family in this horrible situation. There are no words to explain the pain the family must be going through right now," he commented after the announcement of the death.